George Prevelakis is Professor and Director of the Master’s Degree of Geopolitics at the Sorbonne (Paris 1). He specializes in European, Balkan and Eastern Mediterranean Geopolitics, in the Geopolitics of Diasporas and in Physical Planning. He co-directs the academic journal Anatoli (Paris, CNRS Editions) and publishes bi-weekly op-eds in the Athens newspaper Kathimerini.
Born in Athens, he studied Architecture in Greece and Geography and Planning in France. After his departure from Greece in 1984, he has occupied teaching and research positions at the Sorbonne (Paris 4 and Paris 1), at the Sciences Po-Paris, at the INALCO, at the Johns Hopkins University, at Boston University and the London School of Economics (Hellenic Observatory). During the academic years 2003-2005 he served as the Constantine Karamanlis Chair in Hellenic and Southeastern European Studies at the Fletcher School and during the period 2013-2015 as the Greek Ambassador at the OECD.
His publications include : Les Balkans, cultures et géopolitique, Paris, 1994, Les réseaux des diasporas, Paris, 1996, Athènes: urbanisme, culture et politique, Paris, 2000 , Géopolitique de la Grèce, Brussels, 2005, « Pour une nouvelle Entente balkanique », Anatoli no 1, Paris, 2010, « Géopolitique des civilisations. Huntington, 20 ans après », Anatoli no 4, Paris, 2013 and Who are we ? Geopolitics of the Greek identity (in Greek, upcoming).