The Πangea world music center was founded in just last January. Within a few months, Πangea had made a dynamic entrance into the art world, exceeding its founders’ initial goals and expectations regarding successful event planning and hosting.

More specifically, the Πangea world music center is a hub that drives diversity through combining civilizational and cultural elements as they arise from music, dancing, theater, cinema, painting and every kind of artistic expression regardless of its ethnic origin.

Its mission is to become a center for social interaction and cultural engagement for all of its members and especially the youth, to host artistic events beyond the bounds of isolation and exclusion, and to be accessible and affordable to everyone. In that way, Πangea aspires to be a point of everyday interaction of as many people as possible with music, art, culture and healthy entertainment by featuring and hosting artists from all around the world, thus promoting collaborations between Greek artists and artists of different origin.

Always faithful to his love for music and the Afro-Cuban culture, Stavros Dadoush is a co-founder of the “Πangea World Music Center” whose purpose is to create a center for civilizational and cultural exchange based on the musical fusion of sounds from different parts of the world, and open to the enthusiasts of music and rhythm. Stavros Dadoush is a Batá drums instructor and we’ll have the pleasure of hosting him live on stage at the TEDxAthens 2016: The music of Santeria by the Πangea World Music Center.

The Batá drums are the main ritual instruments of the Cuban religion “Santeria” that originates from the religion of the Yoruba people who live in West Africa, and mainly in Nigeria.

It is a direct call to the Orishas, the Gods of Santeria. The invocation is performed using 3 double-headed Batá drums of different sizes that simulate the hymns to the Orishas. Each Orisha has its own rhythm on the percussion instruments, its own song and its own kind of dance.


February 6th, 2016


Pallas Theatre

Announced Speakers


  • 08:30


  • 10:30


    Music Box

    Dancing group

  • 10:50

    Alexandra Antonopoulou

    Designer, Senior Lecturer of Design

  • 11:10

    Claire Burge

    Psychologist, Productivity speaker, Photographer

  • 11:30

    Mark Haidar

    Entrepreneur, Founder and CEO at Vinli and Founder &Co-CEO at Dialexa

  • 11:50

    Ingrid Stange

    Economist, Social Entrepreneur, Venture philanthropy innovator

  • 12:10

    Soti Triantafyllou

    Historian, Cold War expert, author, novelist, translator

  • 12:30

    Coffee break

  • 13:20


    Dimitris Mystakidis

    Greek folk (rembetiko) guitar player

  • 13:40

    Guy Goldstein

    Digital strategy advisor, cyberwarfare analyst, author

  • 14:00

    Carl Miller

    Social Media advisor, Research Director at Demos

  • 14:20

    Dimitris Xygalatas

    Εxperimental anthropologist who specializes in the study of ritual behaviour

  • 14:40

    Emmanouil Dermitzakis

    Professor of Genetics

  • 15:00

    George Pittas

    Furniture & interior designer, writer

  • 15:20

    Lunch break

  • 16:50


    Πangea World Music Center

    Multi-cultural artistic expression hub

  • 17:10

    Tasos Frantzolas

    Music/Internet entrepreneur, Sound Designer, founder of

  • 17:30

    Aliki Theofilopoulos

    Director, Story Artist, Writer at Walt Disney Television Animation

  • 17:50

    Faramerz Dabhoiwala

    Writer, historian, professor

  • 18:10

    Vaggelis Avgoulas

    Lawyer, Deputy General Secretary of the Panhellenic Association of the Blind

  • 18:30


  • 19:20


    String Demons

    String duo

  • 19:40

    Aegean Team

    Νon-profit organization providing social and medical services

  • 20:00

    Judit Neurink

    Journalist, author, specialist on the Middle East

  • 20:20

    George Prevelakis

    Professor of Geopolitics (European, Balkan and Eastern Mediterranean)

  • 20:40

    Alki Zei

    Children's books author

  • 21:10

    Closing Party

    With Bejeezus and DJ Ledakis


Costeas-Geitonas TEDx Athens 2016 Simulcast

Once again, we are proud to have CGS host this year’s TEDxAthens Simulcast Event. Our partnership, gives everyone a chance to live the experience of a TEDx event in the most educational and fun way, in an environment where creativity and innovation are always encouraged!

The TEDxAthens Simulcast is a great way for the entire family to spend the day. Younger participants will have the opportunity to participate in educational workshops and activities created for all ages and grade levels, organized by the school.

The entrance is free for everyone.
Book your seat
How to get there
Pallas City Link

Pallas Theatre
Voukourestiou 5
Athens 105 64

How to get there


Social partners

Media Partners


Food catalysts


The TEDxAthens Volunteer Program is your opportunity to participate in a world class Conference, which brings people together to share experiences, knowledge and ideas worth spreading! Become a TEDxAthens Volunteer to connect with great people, meet international speakers and have fun! Applications are now closed. Thank you!

The Team


Dedication. Determination. Passion. Hard work. Teamwork. It's dreamwork!

TEDxAthens has gone a long way thanks to a small group of people who ​may have different origins​,​ but share a common vision: make Athens the epicenter of ideas worth spreading globally.

Who are we? Meet our dream team!